Thursday, March 30, 2017

Partner in Crime Needed

In this life, you’re offered different chances, careers, jobs, education, and even relationship opportunities. We are filled with a myriad of options that may be quite overwhelming for some. So what do you do at that point? You snap the freak out of it, and make a decision. I accepted the challenge because in the end you only regret the chances you didn’t take. Sometimes we make a “wrong” choice, a “bad” decision, and we suffer the consequences of that selection. So what do you do? You grow the freak up and learn from it, let it form you in humility and faith and move on. Life’s too short people, quit feeling bad and dwelling over decisions, when there’s a championship to be won. The Finals are near and only those who have been tested and gone through hardships will be strong enough to persevere through the end. A true knight and shining armor carries battle wounds. We can’t try to live life perfectly, free of mistakes. I mean life is great when you do. When you’re single, you don’t have to respond to anyone, you’re stress free, and you enjoy spending time and money on building yourself. You are the biggest project that you’ll ever work on as you grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Some accomplish this at the age of 20, some at 30 and others not until 40 or 50. It varies from person to person. God has a special plan for every single one of us. Plans to prosper, a promising future and hope. We are not alone though at some point we need community and perhaps a companion. Keep in mind, the ultimate goal is Heaven. The championship is Heaven, so every decision should get us close to reaching that goal. We're sinners striving to become saints. It's a lifelong journey to return home to God.

Truth is, life is meant to be shared. We can sit there and hide in our little bubble or we can openly invite somebody in to join us in this spiritual journey to accomplish the ultimate goal: love and maybe happiness without jeopardizing our ticket to Heaven. That’s why it’s a spiritual journey. That’s why it’s important to be on the same page in Faith. Those who know me know that I’m too competitive. I’m too obsessed about winning, and if you link that together in the spiritual aspect, I’m going to want to choose a partner in crime to get down to business. You know what? I would bet on myself to get the job done. To get my future spouse to Heaven, if God blesses me with kids, them too, and finally myself. That’s our goal. We’re at war. I’m not perfect, but I’d bet on myself to win. To take the last second shot. To properly prepare myself and family to battle for themselves. Anybody can compete on the field and on the court, but can they compete in this spiritual warfare? Can they be a Man of God, practice virtue, be so much in love with God that they will have to really think twice before they sin against Him, and when we fall short because we will, we must really feel guilty and run straight to the confessional. Yes, I said run! When it comes to running, I’d bet on myself. When it comes to receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, I’ve been there plenty of times. A man of God is a Eucharistic man, a man of prayer, a man of love and compassion for others because a man has to bring souls to Christ. A man is Jesus like, and anyone who meets this man should be able to see Jesus through him, and by the power of God have a conversion saying, “If Jesus was a lot like you, I can’t wait to meet Him.” I know I struggle with pride and I can be selfish, but I’m learning to be selfless. You know what? I’d bet on myself to acquire this. Wait? I’m supposed to be humble. Check out this paradox: I’m pretty good at being humble. Hahaha! You know what? Bet on it! I’m not trying to boast intentionally, but I dare you to put money on it. I don’t want to take anything away from this virtue, but God calls us to be fearless, not to be mediocre, and to protect our loves ones. He even trusted an ordinary man like St. Joseph to be the protector of Jesus and Mary who were the only ones conceived without original sin. He trusted him, not a sinless man, and He trusts us to carry on the task that’s within His will. It’s time to bet on ourselves and win, giving all the glory to God. St. Joseph, most chaste spouse, pray for us. Mother Mary pray for us, and in Jesus name I play. This is not a game. This is more than a game. In Jesus name I will win. I know that I'm in the right direction of where God is leading me. I’ll be right back I have work to do, people to love, and a city to build.