Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rebels of Love

Dear Journal,

Sorry I took so long. I have a great explanation. You see, I packed my belongings and moved across the country. This new home happens to be one of the biggest cities in the world. You know what’s crazy? To travel 10 miles would normally take about 15 minutes anywhere else, but not in this city it may take 1 hour at times if you’re lucky. Not the mention the new responsibilities acquired and the transition period. Which brings us to today, so please accept my apology once again.

A wise lady once said, “The best things in life, the riches things in life, the most beautiful things in life are challenging.” I’m loving the challenge I must add. As you know, this challenge was accepted long before it began. 

Another huge discovery is this: there’s a NEED here. Talk about a huge task. People are losing their Faith. To be completely honest, I personally find it difficult to have faith when everyone is doubting. Hence, there’s a bigger challenge at hand, to not be influenced by the environment for the purpose of adaptation. I give you a new chapter with a very familiar tone of rebellion. After all many Saints had done the same and turned away from society. I present to you, Rebels of Love.

Revolutionaries are historical and a key component of change. At least that’s what I got from the Social Justice lesson. Challenge accepted. To be a rebel of love for Christ means to reject the World aka the Culture of Death and to practice Christianity with our life and love promoting the Culture of Life. After all, they’ll know we are Christians...You get it, sorry I don’t want to preach to the choir. To be a rebel of love requires preaching to the unpreachable or to anyone open to the message. Sometimes is requires preaching to ourselves if you know what I mean. When necessary use words, major key. Yes, we listen or should I say watch?

Being a rebel of love hits different because it doesn’t leave you empty. There’s fulfillment in your heart that will set you free in order to surrender to His almighty will. Martyrdom is the highest level of this anti-cultural journey. The phrase, “Do not be afraid” takes a whole new meaning. I feel attacked. Saints had a way of using simple words for deeper meaning, after all they were rebels. If you’re reading this, pray for us! It starts here in the City of Angels. How ironic!

Your brother in Christ,

My Infinity War Part 2

Written April 2018
There I was fighting to survive. The dragon was spitting out fire as I held out my shield. I ran as fast as I could and tried to get it. I charged with my sword, but I got knocked down. I don’t know how I got up. I might have gotten a concussion that day. I couldn’t find the dragon anymore. It left, but will come back to try to finish the job. (God carried me; God removed the dragon)

Meanwhile, I continue to provide aid for others in need. My problems are small, small to a giant as myself (not literally). God is bigger than any problem or dragon. Plus, others needed my assistance. Every morning, I was the first one there. In the evening I was the last one to leave. If any kid or adult asked for my help, I always said yes. That was why I was there for. I live to fight another day. They still needed me!

The dragon came back. I was ready to dodge its every move, but I ran away from it, I just did not have time to fight it this time, since I had to be at another place. I wanted to run away, and I told the dragon to wait. In anger it tried to stop me. I guess we did have to fight at that moment. It seemed stronger. I rolled underneath it, which wasn’t smart, and it had the perfect opportunity to crush me. Somehow I was removed from that moment. Next thing you know, I’m in the middle of a lesson in a classroom. We shall do this again dragon. After all, I did tell it to wait. It wasn’t the right time to finish one another. 
(God removed me; God justified me)

I waited and waited and waited...What was I waiting for? A miracle? I wasn’t waiting for the dragon that’s for sure. It was waiting for me. It’s going to keep waiting! I’m not going dragon! Sorry dragon! Get away dragon, wit yo big ol’ self. I’m a child of God! ¡Yo soy hijo de Dios! In the mean time, I’m looking to build strength. I have other plans. I begin to plan my next move, and prepare for what’s to come. When our will and God’s will is the same, then we have found our true destiny and vocation. The dragon may not ever come back, and that’s ok. There’s more important things going on anyway. Besides, I think it got bored of fighting me, so it’s probably going to go pick on somebody else. History repeats itself, just like the Battle of San Jacinto, or the Alamo, learned in Texas History. I don’t recall anything mentioned about Abell or Goddard in the history books though. 

Written July 2018
“I needed to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you never would have moved.” -God 

Oh my gosh. This is actually happening. I’m closer than I’ve ever been in the past 20 years. It’s like my dream is right in front of me. I’m ready for the next challenge, new dragons, new adventures. Life continues, dragons keep being dragons, and dragon slayers, keep slaying. God is bigger than everything and everyone. ¡Dios es muy grande! This whole time it was Him carrying me and protecting me from fire breathing dragons. He knows the desires of my heart. It was Him who pulled me out of deadly situations. It was Him giving me the daily strength and the daily bread to carry on. Nothing was ever of my own doing. Poetic justice! There’s poetic justice in this (12 year as a professional 22 years total) literary piece. He was using me for His people. He’s going to take me where He needs me next. To bare good fruit! At the right time, His time. I’m thankful for my time in Texas. I’m thankful for the dragons, and the snakes, and the delicious sweet potato empanadas since they’re rare in West Texas. Every moment, I captured it, seized it, conquered it. I pissed off some people in the process, sorry not sorry, but I trusted the process. I trusted God!!! Finally, the vision my mother had in 1996 came to a realization.

Midland, Texas:
High School Diploma 
Associates Degree 
Learn and Practice Catholicism 
Bachelors Degree 
Teaching/Coaching Career 
Masters Degree 
Marathon Trainings 
Catholic Ministries 
Championship Experiences 
Travel Experiences 
Relationship Experiences 
and lastly Missionary (June 2018) 

I needed all of the above for in the next chapter. I left no stone unturned. I get to incorporate all of the above in my next endeavor. It was God’s plan in His time. 

I had to answer the call. The call within a call? ❤️

L.A. The City of Angels. ¡Los angelitos!

This is good. Good for everyone. Good testimony. Everything falls into place at the right time. Pray for me, I’ll pray for you because that’s what God intended to begin with. Called us to be in communion with Him and one another. 

It all makes sense now. I couldn’t have planned a better story. Wow!