Sunday, September 15, 2024

My Aura Runneth Over

Aura levels are adding up like crazy!

Aura is a God given gift that you must in turn give to the world. Give, give, give, and when you are done giving, give some more. After all, if it is in fact the will of God, your aura will keep multiplying anyway. Be generous, but be wise. You have what it takes to discern properly. 

Just a small example of one weekend alone. 

Students are excited this school year. 

Family and friends are suspiciously noticing God’s work through me, if they haven’t already. 

The Sunday service was all God.

Parents send me appreciation messages. 

There’s a baby in the elevator smiling at me.

The lady at the ticket counter said thank you so much with such acknowledgment and gratitude. 

I’m seeing the smiles. The work. The movement of mountains. There’s this wave of positivity spreading and becoming a known lifestyle. When God and positive energy starts trending, changes happen. This is how we change the world for the better. This is how we shine light in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. We can do all things, through Christ who strengthens us. 

I feel like I’m pranking the world with my current hairstyle. It’s revolutionary. I’m just being my natural self and I’m loving the flow of things. Not everyone is going to love the vibes. Some may think, you’re doing too much. Believe me, you’re not. Trust in God, just like God trusts in you. You have to carry out the mission. Everything is temporary, so you have to ride this wave and enjoy that top view. People cannot deter a large wave. The movement is too strong that it will knock them down and drag them along. The frowns end up mimicking the millions of smiles. If you frown in front of smiling people, there’s very little reaction or change. If you smile in front of frowning people, you are more likely to cause them to replicate your behavior. 

There’s people to love, miles to run, and place to go. Oh the places you will see and the people you will meet. God sent them. 

There’s no gimmick, no publicity stunt. This is all God. This God given aura has always been there. People have noticed it since childhood. “You have anointed my head with oils, and set a table before me in the presence of my enemies, my cup keeps overflowing.” -Psalms 23

God is good, all the time; and all the time, God is good. Oh so very mindful and very demure of our loving God. 

This has been the same story. It is because of God, that my aura runneth over. 

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