“Virtuous/Intentional Friendships: it’s not on purpose it’s for a purpose, it’s because you recognize something in that person. You say, ‘yes,’ you look at someone else and you say, ‘that’s it, that’s the race I wanna run, that’s the fight that I want to be a part of, that’s the kind of person that I want to become.’ Would I rather be a faithful Catholic? Or just be known as one who’s the faithful Catholic? Would I rather be the good friend? Or do I wanna be known as the one who’s the good friend?
That stuff doesn’t happen in public, it happens in private, it happens in those moments when no one sees.
Sounds like a paradox from setting the world on fire 🔥 because if you set it on fire, people see the flames. Flames are visible and sometimes loud, but setting it on fire like a SAINT can be visible and loud just to be done in secret.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Saint Mother Teresa
Privately, one can throw a stone so ripples can spread across any body of water and it doesn’t need a spotlight or be broadcast on live TV, and essentially that’s setting the world on fire.” Nobody needs to know how you did it or when you did it. You just did, and it might have been loud and proud in the name of our Lord. Only those affected were the ones who heard loud and clear. Our treasure is will be stored in our hearts, better yet in Heaven.
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 6:1
How simple is it to just do God’s will, without announcing it to the world. There’s no pressure, there’s a sense of peace that resides within you because deep down in your heart and in your soul you have become a living breathing invitation to believe in bigger and better things than just oneself.
Squat heavy...Run fast...Live full...Train hard...Love strong...Adventure often...Hustle always. Dream big...Compete daily...Make life count. @competeeveryday
ALL IN SECRET, then go back home and rest in a quite place because a clean conscience makes one fine pillow, but get your rest because tomorrow you have to live full again and spread the good news with your life in a secret...in a quite place. ❤️ This secret and quiet place that I speak of is not so much a secret at all, it’s your home, your school, your church, your backyard, the grocery store, even on social media where everyone has access yet not everyone visits, so it’s probably in a public place. Your ministry may not be quiet 🤫 because even when Jesus was performing miracles word started going around. To do God’s will in a secret and quiet place is to be humble, recognizing that we are sinners striving in our short lifetime to be saints. BE-A-SainT mode! Affect enternity! We are reaching for the highest goal, so that we might receive the prize in the Kingdom.