What’s a King To Do?👑
A king walks around in disguise, nobody knows the difference. Dragons come along to devour the king. Nothing happened. The king just defends himself. The dragons are confused. A group of trolls are assembled to attack the king, but are unsuccessful. The king’s shirt did get dirty. Now he has to decide to either take his clothes to the cleaners or laundromat. Take out the trash on his own, or have someone do it for him? What’s a king to do?
The next day the king went back to slaying dragons. He is in his own timeline. Here comes the ridicule, the insults, the indirect backhanded comments, the gossip. Daily martyrdom. Nothing has changed. The king is still a king. The village still seeks the king. God still blesses the king in abundance. Here comes the plague, he doesn’t even brace himself anymore. There is no threat. The shield is not essential anymore. At the end of the day there is a feast. Feast day celebrations are his favorite. The fast and the feast. What’s a king to do?
Every morning, he’s dancing and singing as he prepares for the day. Each night he ends with gratitude. Meanwhile, there’s unrest in the city. Blazing fires spread. The king prays and trusts in divine providence. Justice and peace. The king has arrived. There’s a large roar, but he is free. There’s loud noise, but freedom reigns louder. The king is detached from opinions and validation. The king does not concern himself with the opinions of others or the world because he occupies his time building his kingdom. He doesn’t argue, complain, or gossip. He knows he’s a king. From speaking up when necessary to saying nothing at all, a king is a king. What’s a king to do?
The water is poisoned. The toxic environment is detrimental to the public. The king soars through the air with the greatest of ease. He knows that anxiety is a response from discontentment. Emotional turbulence comes from not being healthy on the inside. Everyone’s behavior is just projection. Misery is the new pandemic. Joy is the antidote. The king knows that joy is a rebellion against the world. When the people are deprived from joy, peace and love, they treat others unkind. They gaslight. What’s a king to do? Self mastery is the precursor to self gift. Life of virtue is not about perfecting oneself, it is about letting the Holy Spirit make the necessary transformations. Hence, the king becomes a gift. Everything about the king is a gift. The job of a king is to give his life as a gift. It requires grit. The work of the king is gritty. This was his destiny all along. This not so royalty, treacherous path full of obstacles was his destiny? What’s a king to do?
The king still says to the Lord, “Here I am, send me.” In the middle of chaos, struggle, adversity, toxicity. The king enters because when he digs deeper, he’ll find God’s grace there. God is in the mess. The mess is a blessing. As dreadful as it is to enter. Entering a place filled with wolves, sharks, and witches. The king not only enters willingly, but runs straight through with excitement. God does not send this king unequipped or unprotected. God does not need a perfect king just a willing one. At the heart of every blessing, is Jesus Christ himself. His presence, His peace. There’s movement. The Spirit is moving over the waters, may the Spirit come move over us. Come rest on us! When the Spirit is moving, when God shows up, when the angels and saints unite, when he receives many graces, what’s a king to do?
Through Christ, the one true King. 👑
¡Viva Cristo Rey!