Sunday, September 15, 2024

My Aura Runneth Over

Aura levels are adding up like crazy!

Aura is a God given gift that you must in turn give to the world. Give, give, give, and when you are done giving, give some more. After all, if it is in fact the will of God, your aura will keep multiplying anyway. Be generous, but be wise. You have what it takes to discern properly. 

Just a small example of one weekend alone. 

Students are excited this school year. 

Family and friends are suspiciously noticing God’s work through me, if they haven’t already. 

The Sunday service was all God.

Parents send me appreciation messages. 

There’s a baby in the elevator smiling at me.

The lady at the ticket counter said thank you so much with such acknowledgment and gratitude. 

I’m seeing the smiles. The work. The movement of mountains. There’s this wave of positivity spreading and becoming a known lifestyle. When God and positive energy starts trending, changes happen. This is how we change the world for the better. This is how we shine light in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. We can do all things, through Christ who strengthens us. 

I feel like I’m pranking the world with my current hairstyle. It’s revolutionary. I’m just being my natural self and I’m loving the flow of things. Not everyone is going to love the vibes. Some may think, you’re doing too much. Believe me, you’re not. Trust in God, just like God trusts in you. You have to carry out the mission. Everything is temporary, so you have to ride this wave and enjoy that top view. People cannot deter a large wave. The movement is too strong that it will knock them down and drag them along. The frowns end up mimicking the millions of smiles. If you frown in front of smiling people, there’s very little reaction or change. If you smile in front of frowning people, you are more likely to cause them to replicate your behavior. 

There’s people to love, miles to run, and place to go. Oh the places you will see and the people you will meet. God sent them. 

There’s no gimmick, no publicity stunt. This is all God. This God given aura has always been there. People have noticed it since childhood. “You have anointed my head with oils, and set a table before me in the presence of my enemies, my cup keeps overflowing.” -Psalms 23

God is good, all the time; and all the time, God is good. Oh so very mindful and very demure of our loving God. 

This has been the same story. It is because of God, that my aura runneth over. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Villain on a Mission

may be the villain in someone’s story. That used to be my biggest fear. I wanted to be the nice guy, a people pleaser, and solve everyone’s problems. I wanted to save the princess and the world. Now, I’m excited of having a different role. Yes, I’m a villain! Thankful for the opportunity. Thankful to be able to say, “No.” Otherwise, I will forever live under someone’s else’s demands. I am not a slave. I am a servant of God and “no” is the answer. I am a giver and serve God’s people, but with boundaries because takers don’t have any. I guess I am a villain.

“People pleasing ruins your life.

You abandon your needs. 

You lose respect from others.

And you never form real relationships.

The only thing you gain is a false sense of being liked.

But it's never enough. And it never fulfills you.”

I may have isolated myself from everyone in order to protect my peace. It’s better to be alone, than in bad company. It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war. If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive. Isolation is necessary and a great opportunity to turn off the noise. Sweet solitude, no drama. However, I am not afraid of the drama. I have been ostracized from the group. I have become the “black sheep” of the fam. Yes! Seems like martyrdom. These “little deaths” are sanctifying grace. I welcome them with open arms. 

“The greatest abundance comes from finding peace with nothing.”

Detach from the world. Let go of what no longer serves you. Do things out of love, and expect nothing in return. What can take you years to build, someone can destroy in a day, build anyway. Others can make false assumptions about you, show up every day anyway. You may not be praised or supported, be great anyway.

“The biggest life hack is not trying to hack your way through life.

The gold is in the deep work. 

The messy middle.

The dark night.

The unknown.

Let yourself get tangled up in something hard and watch who you become (and what you let go of) as you navigate your way through.”

Interesting enough, I asked for this. I asked for respect. I wanted to suffer. I prayed for the challenge. This will make me a better man. Refusing to be a doormat to be stepped on, fighting injustice, while still living your best life will get you temporarily disliked and mistreated. In the end, they will understand the lesson, and change their behavior. If they don’t, it’s still a win because I didn’t have to tolerate it. 

“Just because you CAN handle something doesn't mean you SHOULD handle it. Capacity ≠ Obligation.”

I am the villain, the protagonist, and an extra that shows up for one scene. Maybe for a cameo or better yet an Easter egg. Since I am practicing stoicism, I don’t need to be the center of attention. Although, I could have my own series. I am not a TickTocker or YouTuber. I am just a villain in someone else’s story. Show me your misery and I’ll show you your ministry. This is it! I am a villain on a mission. Peace is on the way. Love is on the way.

If you find yourself in a villain role:

“Don’t freeze or flee. Learn how to discern, because the one thing you want the most: LOVE, requires the one thing you fear the most: VULNERABILITY.”

Once again, a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue. That’s pretty heroic for a villain. “You don’t have the guts to be what you want to be…You need people like me, so you can point your finger and say, ‘That’s the bad guy’…Say goodnight to the bad guy.”  ðŸ¦¹ 

-El chilito piquín

Sunday, April 14, 2024

This is Your Route


I hope you know that you were called to reach people no one else could. That your talents, time, and treasure extend far beyond others. God called you by name and sent you. No one else wanted to go. He knew you would remain faithful to the task and community. You were called to serve, and you didn’t forget your title. Chair, CEO, President? Servant! 

You have people scratching their heads. They really don’t have a clue. Why would you put yourself through suffering? How do you endure pain? Are you immune? You do it gracefully. They were looking for a reaction. They’re not getting one. There’s no time. 

You’re just passing through. A former co-worker once described it as “a revolving door of joy.” You live moment by moment, and the only thing that matters is that person or group that is in front of you or nearby. You live day by day, here for a good time, not for a long time. Who gets to decide? Who is in control? You know how it plays out. Let the Lord surprise you again. 

Every morning: Lord, go there before me, so that I know you’re already there, in that lunchroom, classroom, office, hallway. 

Every day: Lord, surprise me. 

Every night: Lord, thank You! 

The challenges you’re facing today are the lessons you need for tomorrow. You prayed for this! This is part of the dream. For others it’s a nightmare. That’s when you know you’re heading in the right direction, the path that was designed for you. If you see a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere, and won’t want to go there anyway. 

Somewhere along that path, she’s there. She’s so beautiful. In fact you’re surrounded by beauty. If you pick up a flower, it dies. They’re only there to be admired, watered, for your inspiration, for a scenic journey. However, one day you will have a rose garden. One day you will qualify for Boston, become an Iron Man, and hike the ruins of Machu Picchu. One day, she will jump into your arms, and she will never let go. 

Everyone knows you fight for justice (poetic justice). This might as well be a movie. The viewers are laughing hard. Truman Show vibes. “And in case I don’t see you, good morning, good evening and goodnight!” 

I hope you know you will look back at this story and smile. This was everything you said it would be. You called it. You told the siblings, you told all the others. They’ll be believers, if they’re not already. I hope you know, you were right all along. Viva Cristo Rey!  

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Carry the Burden

One thing you don’t do is self destruct, self doubt, or second guess yourself. Everything happens in a timely manner. Nothing ever works out perfectly.

You carry yourself like you’re carrying boats and logs.  In the end, it all works out. You will realize that the things that you thought were a big deal, were not that important after all. All people struggle with communication and deadlines, and everyone does their best to carry some of the load for themselves or for one another. 

Tough times are inevitable, welcome them, face them, and the world is yours. Do not let anything disturb you. God is there with you. Are you not a believer of miracles? He will give you the strength and wisdom. He always has. Did you not get through the marathon? God knows exactly how you’re going to make it. 

Keep carrying your weight. Keep building the garden. Plow the field. The championships will come. The accolades become side effects of your work. No one is against you. How could they be against someone trying to change the world while following the will of God? Prosperity always awaits, and it’s near. People are wondering how you are doing it, and the deeper they look, the more they will find God. It is Him. You will draw more to Him. It is He who carries us.

Before you lacked boundaries and were a people pleaser. All of a sudden you burn bridges accordingly. Yet, you still manage to love from the other side. Insert waving MPC character here. You still reconstruct bridges.  Insert St. Joseph here. You’re a hero! More like a savage, but that’s heroism. Insert Chuck Norris pic here.

Fail again and again. Struggle again and again. This is God’s will. Sacrifice, pain, and suffering is necessary. Suffer with a smile because it makes victory more glorious when it arrives. Carry on. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Journey Not the Destination

 Write about the struggle…

Writing the struggle and how to overcome it is what serves others. Carry out the ministry in good and in bad.  At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people think. 

You prayed for this. To be more outgoing, to be recognized as elite, responsible, manly, strong man of faith. You wanted to be busy, you wanted the smoke. All the smoke! You wanted the attention, respect, collaboration. You asked for good friends, people, love. Genuine, honest, caring partners, not inauthentic, disloyal, perpetual complainers or gossipers. You wanted to mature, be strong, resilient. 

These are little deaths, that I have to get used to. Not being loved, valued, or wanted. 

I’m not going to be around people that are always mad, jealous, irritated, or offended about everything. That energy is contagious. I will stay away. I will suffer. Suffer with joy. Didn’t need those people anyway. I kinda liked them though. I wanted them in my circle, but I need people that are uplifting. Screaming, living invitation to believe in better things. 

They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds. 

Only fear the Lord. God puts you through the struggle because you are praying for it. If you want to grow as a person, you will have obstacles. Something small to a giant. Life is a game. You have to go through it. If you’re praying about it, don’t be surprised when God’s sends the conflict then the climax. Offer it up for the souls in purgatory. Teach others how to get out of the funk. You can’t escape it. Feel the pain. Live it. Embrace and welcome it. It’s a good feeling. It doesn’t numb you. It makes you feel alive! 

You’re a King. Treat yourself like one. Don’t be so dependent on others. Value your time. Be there for others, then move to the next task. You’re an alpha in disguise ;) They don’t know that. That’s the story. The dawg, that no one knew about. Speak with confidence. Your biggest flex is not flexing.  

This is not my ministry, this is God’s ministry, I’ve been sent. This is the journey not the destination. I love the journey. Something small to a giant. Change the world! It’s not how I’m going to do it, it’s how God’s going to do it. One soul at a time or a group of souls at a time. 

“Face all evil, trials and tribulations with our Lord God with no doubt and victory is at hand. 

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the LORD your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 

I love this! Show them Lord! Show them again and again. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Welcome to this Cinematic Experience

You heard the drums rolling, the crowds cheering, the game began. It was an extravagant spectacle to see. The show was over, the arena emptied and behind closed doors people began to lose their minds. How? Why? It was a great show. I still hear the applause, I still feel the adrenaline. Grab your popcorn, the next show is about to begin.

Here comes the cheers, the smiling faces, the salutes, the gratitude on display. Here comes the opportunities, rewards, praises, and the fruit. Also, here comes the critiques, the frowns, the insults. I learned to love both scenarios. What people won’t see are: the hours of service; the sacrifices made; the boundaries set; the discernment process; the courage to say “No” at times; the moments of grief afterwards; the courage to say “Yes” to challenges; the effort to make things better; the love and mercy in action; the effort to ignore the negativity; the inner work; the stress coping strategies; the dealing with difficult people including myself; the failure; the multiple attempts; the rescuing of the beauty; the seeking of guidance; the trusting in the Lord. Everything mentioned is not of my doing, the credit belongs to the One that gives me the strength, wisdom, and courage. Everything I do, I do for Him. Thank You Great King!

This will always be a calling. Wherever God sends me, I will go and do what it takes to bear good fruit for His Kingdom. When He blesses me with a wife and children, they will do the same. We belong to Him. We will persevere through Him. When all the shows end and there are no more gigs left, we will still be praising God. If this was all over tomorrow, we will still praise and trust that He is in control and has the best plan for us. Let it be His will and not ours. Joy is the fruit of having faith.

Ultimate joy is the fruit of performing the will of God with great grace even during turmoil. If you want peace prepare for war. “Where you feel art, war, and love all at once…you’re set for life.” -Zach Pogrob 

I love problems. It is a thrill when presented with an issue. When there is a team, together the team can solve anything. When a group presents an issue with their emotional turbulence with the intention to bring me down, then I protect my peace while teaching them to respect me as a person. Honesty, without brutality from both parties, solves problems. Kind people get taken advantage of, until they learn to close that door. I’m not a gym membership, no one gets unlimited access to me. I’m more of a stock, invest in me and reap the rewards. My blessings become their blessings. One of my former principals once told me, many years ago, to share the wealth with the others. Don’t bother with me if my happiness doesn’t make you happy. 

This forces them to pour into our relationship. People, friends, and family have to work. It can’t always be one-sided. Actions speak louder than words. Teamwork makes the dream work. We heal and win together or die as individuals. If they only knew, we were made for times like these. The team and all of its members, who possess individual gifts and talents, was assembled for times like these. Beauty will save the world. 

“We were meant for this world. We become the builder of dreams, the conqueror of mountains, and the keeper of hearts.” 

If this memo doesn’t get to others, if we enter in times of distress, controversy, or the collapse of an empire. Either way, God has a bigger purpose, what a great show it will be. Non-fiction. Comedy, Drama, Action, Horror, Suspense, Romance, more Drama, even more Comedy. Let His Will be done. We’re  living in the middle of a love story. We are all the main characters. All are welcome. All are welcomed in this redemptive love story of this world, that takes us to the cross into glory, to be reunited Home with the God of Love who is Love. 

Thank you for being part of the journey. 

Viva Cristo Rey,


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Look at You (Self Reflection)

Look at you,

You have overcame so much. Look at where you are at. You made it. Your dream came true. Now, do you see what’s happening? It’s all unfolding in front of you. Look at how you’re handling it. You’re doing such a great job. Your mom is so proud of you. She is celebrating, smiling big, and jumping up and down with joy. Look at you. Everyone is looking. Everyone can see it. You are a ray of light. You are casting many ripples that will impact eternity. Look at you. You are doing the will of God. Keep preparing for the next thing, keep working, keep dreaming, and one day you will see why it happened the way it did. This is about to be the best season of your life. Keep loving, keep giving, keep serving, and it will all come back in return. If it doesn’t? You will still be okay with the gift because you are the gift. This is what you do, when you trust more. Look at you. Look at the fruit. It is overwhelming joy. 



I couldn’t have written a better story. 

I’m still receiving the graces from the past couple of conferences/weekends. 

“It is YOU, You passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, commanders, green berets, astronauts and geniuses could not.

You are made of heroes who ever lived,

heroes born among ordinary people and shine in the dark.”

God writes the story, I’m just living in it with great love and obedience. Send me! Only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Gotta go, I have an adventure to live, a battle to fight, and a beauty to rescue.