I hope you know that you were called to reach people no one else could. That your talents, time, and treasure extend far beyond others. God called you by name and sent you. No one else wanted to go. He knew you would remain faithful to the task and community. You were called to serve, and you didn’t forget your title. Chair, CEO, President? Servant!
You have people scratching their heads. They really don’t have a clue. Why would you put yourself through suffering? How do you endure pain? Are you immune? You do it gracefully. They were looking for a reaction. They’re not getting one. There’s no time.
You’re just passing through. A former co-worker once described it as “a revolving door of joy.” You live moment by moment, and the only thing that matters is that person or group that is in front of you or nearby. You live day by day, here for a good time, not for a long time. Who gets to decide? Who is in control? You know how it plays out. Let the Lord surprise you again.
Every morning: Lord, go there before me, so that I know you’re already there, in that lunchroom, classroom, office, hallway.
Every day: Lord, surprise me.
Every night: Lord, thank You!

The challenges you’re facing today are the lessons you need for tomorrow. You prayed for this! This is part of the dream. For others it’s a nightmare. That’s when you know you’re heading in the right direction, the path that was designed for you. If you see a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere, and won’t want to go there anyway.
Somewhere along that path, she’s there. She’s so beautiful. In fact you’re surrounded by beauty. If you pick up a flower, it dies. They’re only there to be admired, watered, for your inspiration, for a scenic journey. However, one day you will have a rose garden. One day you will qualify for Boston, become an Iron Man, and hike the ruins of Machu Picchu. One day, she will jump into your arms, and she will never let go.
Everyone knows you fight for justice (poetic justice). This might as well be a movie. The viewers are laughing hard. Truman Show vibes. “And in case I don’t see you, good morning, good evening and goodnight!”
I hope you know you will look back at this story and smile. This was everything you said it would be. You called it. You told the siblings, you told all the others. They’ll be believers, if they’re not already. I hope you know, you were right all along. Viva Cristo Rey!
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