Friday, January 30, 2015

The Learning Process

I learn a lot during road trips. Most recently, I've learned the following:

1. I learned that some people are real with you and some are not. They eventually reveal themselves as if they were transparent. It's not your fault or theirs. Some people are meant to cross paths, but not necessarily stay. They push themselves away, and that's a good thing.

2. I learned that some things never change. If you appreciate the bad times, then you can appreciate the good times. By separating yourself from the negative bad people or things, then you allow the positive good people or things to find you. If you're not happy when you're poor, then you won't be happy when you're rich. Some people are just miserable and they need help, but we can't always help them no matter how much they cry to us. They have to figure it out and help themselves. 

3. I learned that some women are simply beautiful. There are many singles especially in big cities. That these beautiful single women actually like single guys regardless of social status, income, class education or race. People will love you for you, the real you, with all your greatness and flaws.

4. I learned to make great decisions. Quality versus quantity. Long term investments are great. Make memories. Communicate, communicate, communicate, because that's the professional way. Water over soda. 

5. I learned that some people will not like how you are and there's nothing you can change about that. Forgive and forget them. See 1 and 2. If they are committed to misunderstanding you, then it's a waste of time to explain to them your intentions. Keep doing you, the better version of you. Be so busy loving the people that love you that you won't have time for those that don't. 

6. I learned that old friends that stayed loyal and never disrespected you are lifelong buddies. Stay in touch and share time with those one in a million types of people. They know you, they accept you, so keep them. 

7. I learned that Los Angeles, CA is the best city in the world. The environment, entertainment, food, people, culture, location etc. does not compare with any other. It's not even close. To live and die in L.A.

8. I learned that God has a purpose for my life. Everything will happen in His time and that I'm in Midland, TX to fulfill a temporary duty for Him. 10 years of service may be my last straw. Kobe retires and I'm gone just for fun. It was all fun! 

9. I will always be there for my siblings, and vice versa. We may not agree with one another, but we understand and love each other. A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. They all have done this. Maybe one day I will do the same, but our love will never end. We are the same blood. Our hearts have the same beautiful beat that our mother's had, we've all heard it before we came into this life.

10. I learned that I'm Dominguez with a pinch of Nunez so don't fwm. "Soy Dominguez, pero no me chingues." Sorry I won't apologize for being me or should I say like her (María De Jesus Domínguez). I'm not perfect, but why not strive for perfection. My Church is not a place where saints gather, it's a place where sinners are seeking their Savior. 

11. Lastly, I learned that I'm God's boy. He spoils me. I'm blessed because He loves me, I belong to Him because I've been baptized in His name. He blesses the righteous. Everyday I do His work. All of my accomplishments are because of Him. He gets all the glory. He uses me to bless others. Not perfect, but His grace is greater than any flaw. People may hate me for my imperfections, but people also love me for them. God did not put us in this world to be average. We are all meant to shine in His light. God is love. 

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