Sunday, September 24, 2017
The Panic After the Storm
The storm has hit. We’re running, looking for
shelter at the same time gathering supplies and preparing for the worst. Loving
our neighbors, except mine, they’re weird, and America, Land of the Free, and don’t
forget Mexico. Someone took a knee during the national anthem as a protest, and
people are furious. The president denied visitations to the White House because
of rebelling citizens and now there’s division in our own country. Segregation
continues, this new revolution is taking a stand. Who’s to blame? The president?
Canada? Juan? Who knows? That doesn’t hide the fact that we are still in a
crisis! There was a tragic earthquake in Mexico and people are now getting
worried. The world was supposed to end yesterday. It didn’t. People are still
living for the weekend. They’re doing it wrong. We have to thank God every day,
not just on Fridays. The quest continues, the Stang Gang is still going strong. Hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad, the only way you can know, you give it all you have. Recieved another text with lies, something tells me that I'll probably get a few more later. The Prophesy
is being fulfilled. People are given one chance at life, one moment, to seize
everything they ever wanted: they’re given the remedy, but still reach for the
poison; they want to build a kingdom, but still seek attention from the village;
they want an A but put in C effort; they talk a big game, but their words don’t
match their actions. Don’t believe their lies; they pray for tortillas, then
God gives them flour, baking powder, lard, salt, water, and a comal, then they get frustrated and
leave the kitchen. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so don’t get
distracted by people who have other hidden agendas. Their motive to team up
with you may be for selfish reasons. See the signs: their actions will speak
and look at the fruit they’re producing. Sometimes life doesn’t give you second
chances, just a bunch of lemons, and what could have been moments, we’re
screwed. We are in a crisis. Time is precious. People are selling fake
products, and fake love, straight up, to your face, so don’t buy any of it. Buy
natural fat burners, take your vitamins, have a meal plan, and stick with it.
Results will come if you are committed. Commitment is the key, but it’s another
issue. We still fear failure. We fear rejection. We fear clowns. WTFreak? Our greatest fear should be that we are powerful beyond measure. We are all
meant to be special, talented, and sassy, for lack of better word. What would
you do if you knew, you could not fail? I know what I would do. I’ll be pursuing
it in a couple of months. Shh! I’m not allowed to say anything yet. Back to
this crisis. How are we going to get the income to rebuild everything? Will there actually be a gas shortage or just a bunch of long lines again? When is
the next solar eclipse so I can buy special glasses this time? Will the president get impeached soon? Will my Lakers make the Playoffs? Where's my Spanish 2 textbooks? Will I finally get a text back? Some things just remain
unknown. We are in a crisis! ¡Estamos en
una crisis cabrones!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Holy Spirit Power
get stunned. I get stuck. Like I freeze. I'm not capable of carrying out the
task at hand. On the volleyball court at the park Friday nights, basketball
court at the YMCA or elsewhere, or any race course at the start line. Then I get this
spark, like this Holy Spirit power takes over in the midst and I perform. In
the classroom, on the field, etc. People are astonished, and that's what I feed
off of. I live for those moments. Trying to impress the people we don't like,
as if it matters. Trying to be a perfectionist and be the best as if that
validates you as a person. I don't have to be the best. I just have to be me
and people will love me for who I am, not for what I can or can't do. However,
I still have moments where I feel incompetent, not good enough. Then, I meet
kids like Kari, and Ryleigh and Peyton, and Erik and Andrew, and Andres and
Miranda, and Luke and Maeson and they think I'm amazing. They think I'm to die
for. And I want to do anything and everything in my power to provide for them.
To give them a piece of myself that they can benefit from. No credit needed, if
we win a championship I don’t want credit it was all them, I just want to discretely
plant a seed that will allow them to grow and blossom as individuals. In fact, the Holy
Spirit gets the credit. My strength comes from above. They may never know
who believed in them and gave them that key that was once given to me. A better
me, creates a better you. If I get this spark, you get this spark. If my seed
grows, your seed grows. If I'm happy, you're happy. We have to take the
necessary steps to become a better version of ourselves. The people in our
influence circle benefits. Everyone wins! Love wins!!!
people become extraordinary without even planning on it. Be ordinary, keep it
real, one hunnid, be simple not complicated. It's not a math equation it's
more of simply just being. Be noble, be true, say the truth, take your vitamins, and say
your prayers! It's not complicated, it's easy as breathing, with a fire in our
soul. Simplicity is a beautiful thing. Just simply be simple.
Less drama, more love and growing. A better me is blossoming and the people I'm surrounded with are also blossoming. It's like magic, as a kid, I believed in magic, but now I know it's Holy Spirit Power. I get this feeling inside my bones...I got sunshine in my pocket. Nope, it's a rosary, holding Mother Mary's hand. Queen of Peace...Gentle woman, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom, teach us love. People of good will, the righteous ones, have figured this out. In the end, peace makes one fine pillow. First comes doubt then comes peace! Oh sweet peace, how natural it feels to not be a nervous wreck and simply just be vocal, and not be timid but simply just keep my head high, and fix the tie on my shirt.
Oh sweet peace, I need you so, to carry this task at hand. OH MY LORD, YOU RESTORE MY SOUL AND YOU GIVE ME REST. And tomorrow I will do it all over again:
1. I get stunned, I get stuck, Like I freeze...ðŸ˜
2. Mamba Mode...💪
3. Peace! ✌️
Holy Spirit Power! Powered by LOVE. Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of them all is love.
Less drama, more love and growing. A better me is blossoming and the people I'm surrounded with are also blossoming. It's like magic, as a kid, I believed in magic, but now I know it's Holy Spirit Power. I get this feeling inside my bones...I got sunshine in my pocket. Nope, it's a rosary, holding Mother Mary's hand. Queen of Peace...Gentle woman, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom, teach us love. People of good will, the righteous ones, have figured this out. In the end, peace makes one fine pillow. First comes doubt then comes peace! Oh sweet peace, how natural it feels to not be a nervous wreck and simply just be vocal, and not be timid but simply just keep my head high, and fix the tie on my shirt.
Oh sweet peace, I need you so, to carry this task at hand. OH MY LORD, YOU RESTORE MY SOUL AND YOU GIVE ME REST. And tomorrow I will do it all over again:
1. I get stunned, I get stuck, Like I freeze...ðŸ˜
2. Mamba Mode...💪
3. Peace! ✌️

Holy Spirit Power! Powered by LOVE. Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of them all is love.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Majoring in Archeology
We have faith and work to complete in front of us.
We don’t need an increase of faith or a new job. The grass is not greener on
the other side. God calls us to use the faith that we already have and to
perform the tasks that we were already given. Eureka! I figured it out, the job
that we all have is to be archeologists, (arqueólogos) because we are to
discover and study every single person we meet. Read their behaviors, their
reasons, motivations, languages of love, fears, goals, likes, needs, wants. Listen
to them. Let them speak. These are souls that are meant to cross our paths,
maybe for an hour, a day, or even a year. Some may be for a lifetime. The length
of time is not for us to figure out, but to make the time allotted resourceful
in learning about someone. After an
encounter with an individual or individuals we should know more about them than
they know about us. The ones are that meant to stay, the ones that find you
appealing, will go out of their way as archeologists to get to know you more. That’s
not the problem, we all want our story heard, but to hear the story of another
and to write about it, and share it, and be a fan of someone besides ourselves
is absolute love. Even if we don’t get the same love in return, love anyway. After
all, it’s not about us. The world does not revolve around us. We are here to
advance the Kingdom of God. Now I must excavate the ruins of West Texas and
discover the unknown and their functions. Time to put on my Dora the Explorer funky
@ss looking hat and go explore some people. “Vámonos” –Frankie J
Don’t stalk. Learn, observe, take notes, and ask questions, if they’re receptive and inviting welcome yourself in, in a natural comfortable way. Don’t be awkward. Don’t force yourself to learn about someone because some people don’t want to be discovered just yet. You will eventually, if you were meant to share together. It’s about building relationships, friendships for better understanding. Quit trying to search for love interests because love is not something you find, it finds you. It's ok to be friends with the opposite sex, it's a requirement. Ultimately, if you want to be a good spouse someday, a degree in archeology must be attained. In the mean time, you is an explorer mother freaker not Rico Suave.
Insert Romance Poem here:
go and discover the undiscoverable, search in the ends of the world and do not
leave any stone unturned. Watch out for rattle snakes! They may have a different agenda, if you know what I mean. Appreciate them, watch them in their natural habitat, and admire their beauty because they were also created by God. We don't battle against flesh and blood, it's not the snake we should worry about, it's the evil one, the Father of Lies. Don’t worry too much though, know that Our
Lady has already crushed its head.
Explore children of God! I hope I get to find you all, in a crowd of a million, in a million years, in a million places. I hope I learn a million things about you and love you a million times because that's what our Lord has commanded us. To love one another as He has loved us. To do that, we must be archeologists in this world.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Another Chapter Arises
I don’t know how I came out of the previous chapter alive…Somebody must have
said a prayer for me, but I may never find out who. I’m beaten up, barely
breathing, but I stand tall. All I could do is look up and say thank you. Thank
you for the challenge. Even though, I’m sore, scarred, broken, and confused, I
feel a whole lot stronger coming out of this difficulty. It was a trial that I
had to go through in preparation for the next round.
There’s something big coming ahead. I must get refocused for
the upcoming task: The journey of 1,000 miles. Another one? I just did 1,000.
I’m not complaining, I would do it over 1,000 times again.
I’ve failed, but I know that failure leads to victory. For
every champion there’s a few loses racked up, that added fuel to the fire. The
pain of failure is necessary to appreciate the joy of success. You have to have
some sense of urgency in your actions, in waking up, in loving others, and in
everything you do because they take you a step closer to glory.
“Serial winners will create a chip to put on their shoulder
– winning results in more motivation to win again.” –LaVar Johnson.
With newly found hope, I rise. With a new purpose, I run.
This is not the end, because in the end mercy and love wins. I keep going. I
going back to my roots to rediscover what I once found in the childlike state.
As I enter the playgrounds and dig up the sand, I will find the lost treasure
with the map that I will need for a better tomorrow.
“We’re never going to be effective witnesses of God’s mercy
and truth unless we have had a profound encounter with it ourselves.” –Dr.
Edward Sri
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Partner in Crime Needed
In this life, you’re offered different chances, careers, jobs, education, and even relationship opportunities. We are filled with a myriad of options that may be quite overwhelming for some. So what do you do at that point? You snap the freak out of it, and make a decision. I accepted the challenge because in the end you only regret the chances you didn’t take. Sometimes we make a “wrong” choice, a “bad” decision, and we suffer the consequences of that selection. So what do you do? You grow the freak up and learn from it, let it form you in humility and faith and move on. Life’s too short people, quit feeling bad and dwelling over decisions, when there’s a championship to be won. The Finals are near and only those who have been tested and gone through hardships will be strong enough to persevere through the end. A true knight and shining armor carries battle wounds. We can’t try to live life perfectly, free of mistakes. I mean life is great when you do. When you’re single, you don’t have to respond to anyone, you’re stress free, and you enjoy spending time and money on building yourself. You are the biggest project that you’ll ever work on as you grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Some accomplish this at the age of 20, some at 30 and others not until 40 or 50. It varies from person to person. God has a special plan for every single one of us. Plans to prosper, a promising future and hope. We are not alone though at some point we need community and perhaps a companion. Keep in mind, the ultimate goal is Heaven. The championship is Heaven, so every decision should get us close to reaching that goal. We're sinners striving to become saints. It's a lifelong journey to return home to God.
Truth is, life is meant to be shared. We can sit there and hide in our little bubble or we can openly invite somebody in to join us in this spiritual journey to accomplish the ultimate goal: love and maybe happiness without jeopardizing our ticket to Heaven. That’s why it’s a spiritual journey. That’s why it’s important to be on the same page in Faith. Those who know me know that I’m too competitive. I’m too obsessed about winning, and if you link that together in the spiritual aspect, I’m going to want to choose a partner in crime to get down to business. You know what? I would bet on myself to get the job done. To get my future spouse to Heaven, if God blesses me with kids, them too, and finally myself. That’s our goal. We’re at war. I’m not perfect, but I’d bet on myself to win. To take the last second shot. To properly prepare myself and family to battle for themselves. Anybody can compete on the field and on the court, but can they compete in this spiritual warfare? Can they be a Man of God, practice virtue, be so much in love with God that they will have to really think twice before they sin against Him, and when we fall short because we will, we must really feel guilty and run straight to the confessional. Yes, I said run! When it comes to running, I’d bet on myself. When it comes to receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, I’ve been there plenty of times. A man of God is a Eucharistic man, a man of prayer, a man of love and compassion for others because a man has to bring souls to Christ. A man is Jesus like, and anyone who meets this man should be able to see Jesus through him, and by the power of God have a conversion saying, “If Jesus was a lot like you, I can’t wait to meet Him.” I know I struggle with pride and I can be selfish, but I’m learning to be selfless. You know what? I’d bet on myself to acquire this. Wait? I’m supposed to be humble. Check out this paradox: I’m pretty good at being humble. Hahaha! You know what? Bet on it! I’m not trying to boast intentionally, but I dare you to put money on it. I don’t want to take anything away from this virtue, but God calls us to be fearless, not to be mediocre, and to protect our loves ones. He even trusted an ordinary man like St. Joseph to be the protector of Jesus and Mary who were the only ones conceived without original sin. He trusted him, not a sinless man, and He trusts us to carry on the task that’s within His will. It’s time to bet on ourselves and win, giving all the glory to God. St. Joseph, most chaste spouse, pray for us. Mother Mary pray for us, and in Jesus name I play. This is not a game. This is more than a game. In Jesus name I will win. I know that I'm in the right direction of where God is leading me. I’ll be right back I have work to do, people to love, and a city to build.
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