Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My Infinity War Part 1

I’m running, all of a sudden, they turned off the lights, and I’m running in complete darkness. That’s kind of difficult because how do you watch your step when you don’t even know what you’re stepping on? I can’t do no right. Story of my life.

Thanos has all the infinity stones, the world is over. We’re doomed. Even the Advengers could not save us, but yet there wasn’t even an ending. We have to wait for Part 2? We have to wait! Story of my life.

I’m crawling to this finish line, waiting for change. I see a door wide open so I shoot my shot. I make a move for the first time in 12 years. I pray, and I act on my prayer. If it’s accordance to God’s will then that’s how the story is going to be told. This test becomes the testimony after all, I’ve been praying about it for over a year.

This is my cross, I have to carry it everyday, but I’ve been carrying it for about 7 years maybe longer. I’ve embraced it. No response. Now virtues have to be acquired. Patience, humility, and so forth. More super powers. Ok, been in this situation plenty of times, and God was there with me every step of the way. Stronger than yesterday at Heroes. I hear that voice again, “Am I not here who am your mother?”

We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds it. Faith is the greatest thing and everything else doesn’t matter. We live in a fallen world and I’m running through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, free of fear. Faith over fear in the name of Jesús, María y José (JMJ). I fearlessly trust in His will. Build anyway, be young and crazy anyway, love anyway, be yourself anyway. A better you, learn from mistakes, always improve. Name someone that has all the answers and has all their life together? I’ll wait...

We all need God, we need our Savior everyday of our lives, time heals all wounds, and we become better and stronger because of the hardships. A year from now I’m gonna look back at this race and I’m going to miss it because these are the exact moments, through the suffering, that put a smile on God’s face.

I’ll never deny any person or kid that asks for help. I’ll always help when I can if I can. Anyone who is crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Crazy enough to coach 5 sports, crazy enough to teach multiple subjects, have multiple majors, be in multiple ministries, have multiple jobs, do multiple workouts, and to run multiple miles. That’s me! All things through Christ. Crazy enough through Christ, and with Christ. In the words of Forrest Gump, I just felt like running. 

“Oh Lord, let me be the one to set them free. I will give them every part of me. Put my heart where everyone can see. They can call me whatever they want, call me crazy.”

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