Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rebels of Love

Dear Journal,

Sorry I took so long. I have a great explanation. You see, I packed my belongings and moved across the country. This new home happens to be one of the biggest cities in the world. You know what’s crazy? To travel 10 miles would normally take about 15 minutes anywhere else, but not in this city it may take 1 hour at times if you’re lucky. Not the mention the new responsibilities acquired and the transition period. Which brings us to today, so please accept my apology once again.

A wise lady once said, “The best things in life, the riches things in life, the most beautiful things in life are challenging.” I’m loving the challenge I must add. As you know, this challenge was accepted long before it began. 

Another huge discovery is this: there’s a NEED here. Talk about a huge task. People are losing their Faith. To be completely honest, I personally find it difficult to have faith when everyone is doubting. Hence, there’s a bigger challenge at hand, to not be influenced by the environment for the purpose of adaptation. I give you a new chapter with a very familiar tone of rebellion. After all many Saints had done the same and turned away from society. I present to you, Rebels of Love.

Revolutionaries are historical and a key component of change. At least that’s what I got from the Social Justice lesson. Challenge accepted. To be a rebel of love for Christ means to reject the World aka the Culture of Death and to practice Christianity with our life and love promoting the Culture of Life. After all, they’ll know we are Christians...You get it, sorry I don’t want to preach to the choir. To be a rebel of love requires preaching to the unpreachable or to anyone open to the message. Sometimes is requires preaching to ourselves if you know what I mean. When necessary use words, major key. Yes, we listen or should I say watch?

Being a rebel of love hits different because it doesn’t leave you empty. There’s fulfillment in your heart that will set you free in order to surrender to His almighty will. Martyrdom is the highest level of this anti-cultural journey. The phrase, “Do not be afraid” takes a whole new meaning. I feel attacked. Saints had a way of using simple words for deeper meaning, after all they were rebels. If you’re reading this, pray for us! It starts here in the City of Angels. How ironic!

Your brother in Christ,

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