Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Deserve Victory!!!!!

I have come to realize, once again, that in order for us to succeed we have to deserve it first. If we have done all the work and proven ourselves despite setbacks, we will prevail. We always hear:

“You can be anything and everything you want to be, all your dreams can come true,”

But do you deserve it? What you don’t hear, because it is not a pleasant thing, is the side effects as a result which is the pain and punishment that we have to endure. For every high there’s a low, but the torment is part of the process in order for your life to blossom. This is where many people quit because they fear the pain, not knowing the end result. It becomes unfamiliar territory, but it is important to win the small battles first to be prepared for the big ones. You may not deserve or earn anything at this point, but that doesn’t mean that that cannot change in the future by yours works today. Be tough physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m going back to this concept, the key to living happily ever after. We live in a world where we all want everything and I’m not just talking about possessions, but do we deserve it? Do we deserve that raise? Do we deserve that championship? Do we deserve that A on our report card? Do we deserve that significant other? Do we deserve that new electronic device? Not unless we earn these things. We must deserve victory! In order to get what we desire, we must dig down deep in order to turn things in our favor. Research, analyze the situation, built allies, have a plan, be balanced, be flexible, manage your time, get organized, be optimistic, stay motivated, have faith, do the work, and so forth, the rest takes care of itself. The opportunities are endless, but do you deserve them? If you’re going to do something you might as well do it with all your heart. Pour your heart and soul into it so that people can see your passion to the point where it becomes so contagious and it starts spreading across your circle of influence.

Who deserves it? YOU (You obviously understand). Why???? What have you done today to make tomorrow's dreams come true?

(continuation from MySpace Blog: Deserve Victory written in 2009)

In order for you to become victorious you have to deserve it. One way to deserve victory is to suffer. Anything you seek can be achieved by suffering.

"They who endure conquer."

It always has been this way. I like to suffer a little bit just so I can be stronger in whatever I do. I fall and maybe even on purpose just so that I can train to pick myself up again. It may sound strange, but I love suffering. I love climbing the mountain top because the climbing part is always special. You meet the most interesting people, see the most beautiful places, and appreciate what you have. I don’t know about you, but I often take those things for granted. Nevertheless, I know that during a crisis situation, I’m always ready fully loaded because of the preparation that I have done. In times of war knowing how to endure helps you succeed. You’ve seen the terrible things, you’ve hit rock bottom, and you know that it cannot get any worse because even pain has its limits. What can this world do to you? You should not be scared of the world the world should be scared of you.

It’s back to square one my friends. It all started because I had a leak in my bathroom, so I had to shut off the water until I got my plumber to come fix it and to might as well remodel the entire bathroom while he was at it. This meant I could not shower at my house for a short time. After my regular weight lifting workout and my school I was to shower there since it was available.

During this unfortunate situation, I might as well learn from this ordeal and add some more to the list and suffer some more. At the end of the day, week, month, Lent season, I’m only going to benefit from these sacrifices and become stronger. What do I have to lose? I will lose comfort and convenience, however looking at the bright side, I have plenty to gain. Strength, honor, discipline, value, health, victory…
1. I can’t shower at my own house.
2. I can’t ride my car to work on certain days of the week.
(By riding a bike, I’m able to exercise and see beautiful sceneries)
3. I can’t use my cell phone on certain days, only incoming.
(I will take a break from the world, unless it needs me, then they can call)
4. I can’t watch TV, only Lakers games.
(Watching Lakers games allows me to spend time with my brothers)
5. I can’t fall in love. What? How dare you.
(I meet people everywhere I go, but love isn't the name of my current game, maybe?)
Coming Soon! (Future Blog)

Current Lent Promises:
1. I can’t log in on my Facebook account.
2. Attend mass and receive communion every day.

It sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t, I do most of the list already and will probably continue after lent season. Other than that for the next 2 weeks or at least until my bathroom gets fixed, whichever comes first then some of these sacrifices will be FINISHED. Your list doesn’t have to be this overwhelming. Don’t overdue yourself. I’m talking to myself here. Relax, but those little things can become good habits for long lasting benefits. That’s why I love the concept of fasting and the 40 days and 40 night’s practices because God rewards you for good works, whether its acts of kindness or sacrifices that are offered up for someone else or even for yourself. It's not selfish, if you earned it. Don’t forget about the ultimate sacrifice in the history of mankind, when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we are still reaping those benefits. I’m going to conclude with a quote I learned in the 4th grade from a song that my twin brother and I sang/performed in my elementary auditorium.

“We reap what we sow, tomorrow is our own reward.”

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