Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cry Later, Smile Now

I have it all backwards! I would be a bad cop simply because I wouldn’t give tickets to anybody. Don’t get the wrong idea here, I would definitely fight crime. I would study and track down all those you are causing harm to me, my love ones, and our community, but I would leave everyone else alone to go about their business. I would pull people over just to educate them and let them know about the traffic laws. Why would I give parking tickets especially on those especial event days that parking tickets are mostly given? Why would I pull people over when they are speeding just a few miles over the speed limit? I wouldn’t cut breaks, but I would make sure that I help those in need. This is against the law enforcement guidelines. I would make a terrible cop. I am not a cop.

I would make a bad principle simply because nobody would be suspended or anything similar to that punishment. I would educate those who need help with discipline and model by example. I would have mercy on all students and at the same time give them some type of consequence for their action. I would definitely remove them from distracting the learning environment and as a principle I would have to be the teacher and teach them the lesson or hire someone designated to do that. They will learn the academic school lesson, and at the same time to obey. I would be teaching during different hours, whether it is morning tutorials, or afterschool, and delegate other administration duties to assistant principals, etc. I would promote lifelong learning and education so that everyone grows a hunger for it to improve. Who doesn’t want to get stronger, faster, and smarter? Maybe this system is discouraging and will not work. I would make a terrible principal. I am not a principal.

I make a bad authority figure. Some say that it’s hard to take me serious, but I say it’s hard not to take me serious if they only knew what I have to offer them. I bring a lot to the table. Experience, loyalty, and champion are written all over me. You have to take me serious even if I’m joking with you because if you don’t then you are the joke. Nobody wants to be a “scrub”, do they? After all, 95% of discipline issues come from people who want attention, so I don’t think they impress anybody with rachetness . When you demand attention you act up, talk back, become an unpleasant class clown, and you defeat the purpose of the attention that you’re trying to attain. I would strongly advise you to take me serious because I may know something that you don’t know that you are desperately and secretly are seeking to obtain.  My methods are concrete. You’re not going to stop the sun from shining. The night doesn’t last as long as the day. I’m trying to make an important point here. Be the day, light, shine, that people look forward to seeing and being a part of and at the same time dreaming about at night.

Do my methods work? Probably not, but they’re justifiable.

Do your methods work? Probably not, but they’re justifiable right?

Whatever you do, do it with a smile (positive attitude) and it magically works. This is what college teaches all educators: If you believe it works, then by golly it works. Sell your product. Additionally for any doubters, if it aint broke, don’t fix it.

If you need to go to war, I’m going with you. AND WE WILL WIN.

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