Sunday, September 15, 2013

After the War

The war has ended. There is peace. Everything that was destroyed is now being restored. However it is not yet safe to be out in the streets. Anguish, hate, fear, regret, and resentment still plagues the people.  However, hope exists. This is where the story begins.
Nobody is around, but when the traffic clears and the sun goes down, I inspect the regions. Where does the help come from? How are the streets getting cleaned every day? Nobody knows the answer yet.
Nobody wants to sacrifice their time and attention on these important matters. They are more interested staying in a cool place with non-relief crew because sweating is too much of a burden. The people of the future sent a message, “Help each other.” Not everyone has gotten the memo.
If they only knew that the days are numbered. Tomorrow is not promised, and that later I will have to take my services and talents elsewhere where there is more demand. If they open their eyes perhaps it will change their actions and be more loving to the people who will love them for all eternity, the ones that saw good in them, the ones who were always there, the once in a lifetime kind of people sent from above.
The Faith has gone out the window. It is as scarce as our water resource. The Church awaits their return. These lost sheep will one day be found, maybe today or maybe tomorrow. That day will be a joyful celebration. We are living in a time where morality is no longer being acknowledged. Our angels in heaven are also working overtime and assisting in this affair.
Life cannot all be about work that is why when I get the opportunity I want to spend every minute possible with the ones I love. That is true investment. I realized that during this time, it is better to be alone, then to be with people who make you feel alone. After the war, people started getting replaced with others or worldly things. We are trapped.
We will overcome these times. This too shall pass. In the mist of struggle and work, every once in a while we should look up with a smile and be thankful. God allows us to enjoy the little things in life because one day we will realize they were big things.
The war is over. No need to mourn. It is time to rebuild without fading into the shadows. We were all meant to shine as children of God. We shouldn’t fear. We are powerful beyond measure.
There are people out there who are really struggling, but our problems are small. We have a God who is greater than anything in this tempting world. Once you’ve found your home, paradise looks closer than what it appears.
What’s next? I have to lead by example. I have to do things that are only imaginable. I have to prove my worth by surprise as if it was surprising. I have to reveal what only gets reveal after the fact. I have to be loud enough so that everyone could hear. Anyone who is crazy enough to think they can change the world are usually the ones who do.

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