Saturday, January 12, 2013

“The Dark Days”

After losing my mother to cancer in 2003, my days were darkened. Now I faced the world alone, like an orphan out in the wilderness. I had a job, but it wasn’t good enough, I had a second job, but it wasn’t good enough. At some point, I had 3 to 4 part time jobs getting paid minimum wage or just a little over just to make it financially to pay my cut of the bills and rent. Luckily, I was splitting it 3 ways among my 2 other brothers. I had to go to school full time taking a minimum of 12 hours and up to 16 hours per semester just so that I can get done with my degree in a timely manner, and begin a career to make some real money. Nothing seemed to work. Washer and dryer would go out, air conditioner, water leaks, clogged bathrooms and kitchen, and the biggest burden of them all was my car giving up on me. Halfway through school my engine blows up and all I see is white smoke everywhere as I pull over to the side of Hwy 191. I’ve had tire blow outs coming down Hwy 191 and almost had to walk home. It was no fun having to deal with mechanics and waiting for my vehicle to be repaired. When my mother was around it was easy, she took care of everything. Wow, my poor mother, at times she probably felt the same way I feel during difficult times. Welcome to manhood right? My bosses at my jobs in retail weren’t helping any. Yeah they were demanding and didn’t care what kind of personal problems an employee had, business was business. I guess it’s true what it says about a business man: it’s easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than a business/wealthy man to go to heaven. It was ridiculous, envy and hate can consume a person and cause innocent people to suffer. I took it like a man and performed like my life depended on it because in reality it did. I knew that there was something better for me. Everything I did with the grace of God was so that I can be in the position I am now. I had a vision, I had a dream, I had hope and I had faith. I believed that tough times wouldn’t last, that my mother was looking down praying for me; that God was going to take care of His children and that justice will be served.
Sometimes you have to go through the bad to appreciate the good. God doesn’t send anything you cannot handle. God uses those trials to mold a person. Just as quality pure gold is tested through fire, a quality pure man is tested with hardships. Next time you’re in Hell, walk straight through it with a smile for the Lord is always with you. Have faith. Those who endure, conquer. May the last be first, and the first be last. Give it to me! Bring It! It’s been proven!

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