Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving Day
Sunday, November 18, 2012
How to Impress Somebody...
Election 2012
I voted once again... I don't deal with politics. I don't like talking about politics with anyone because people get offended. With that being said, I will not reveal who I voted for or which party I favor. It's one of those things that you don't want to bring up. You should never talk religion or politics with people of different views. You won't change their minds and they won't change yours. In the end, they end up judging you for it. They asked me, "What's gonna happen if your oposing candidate wins the election?" I answered, "Nothing!" I still will continue to live my life, I will continue to be the change that I want to see, regardless of who's in office. My world does not change! We tend to hold things against people if we are not on the same page. The same could be said in sports: When my team wins, I rejoice, and when my team loses, I mourn, but my world does not change. Simple as that, there’s no need to be bitter and complain publicly because there’s going to be people out there that will hold that against you, if they haven’t already. Win or lose, may the best team win, and in this election's case, may the best man win. Please hold me to this!!!!! I will celebrate when I win, and congratulate when I lose. Nothing is impossible in this world, I wish all candidates the best. The word impossible, says I'm possible. What can you accomplish? All the above. Change your world and the world changes. You can take a look at someone's eye, and you can tell that that person is destined for greatness. I dedicate the following song to everyone who took the time to read this:
Monday, October 22, 2012
Social Media
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What do I do for a Living?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Suffering is Love
Blessed are the suffering, for they are seen, heard and known by God. ~ Exodus 3:7 Blessed are those who suffer in the darkness of affliction, for they learn the mercy and compassion of God. ~ Lamentations, Chapter 3 Blessed are the suffering, for the Lord has compassion on them. ~ Isaiah 49:13 Blessed are the suffering, for they experience the pain of creation longing to be set free from death. ~ Romans 8:21-22 Blessed are those who suffer, for they are able to console others who are afflicted and suffering. ~ 2nd Corinthians 1:3-7 Blessed are the suffering, for they are following in the steps of Christ's suffering. ~ 1st Peter 2:21 Blessed are those who suffer, for they know Christ. ~ Philippians 3:7-11 Blessed are the suffering, for in them dwells the power of Christ. ~ 2nd Corinthians 12:7b-10 Blessed are the suffering, for in them the life of Jesus is made visible in their very bodies. ~ 2nd Corinthians 4:7-12 Blessed are the suffering, for they become like Christ in His death. ~ Philippians 3:10 Blessed are those who suffer with Christ, for they shall be glorified with Him. ~ Romans 8:17 Blessed are those who suffer for their pain will turn into joy. ~ John 16:20 “Those who endure, conquer.” –Coach NunezGive me pain, there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning, if it means a better tomorrow; if it's for the ones I love; I will suffer for them over and over again; ; if it means I get to deserve another chance; if it means I get to see her, even if it's in my dreams; if it means I fail beacause at the end of the day what's most important is suffering for God and His will, FOR GREATER GLORY. That is what she taught me. I love you my beautiful angel. Keep praying for me mommy.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
How to Win: Dreams Come True
Friday, August 3, 2012
Pre-Season ;)
It's all a process, this will be my 7th year, definately not my first rodeo. Gotta love the Pre-Season where you're tested early.
Maybe one day they will get it, and show me a well-earned respect, praise, and love, but if they do, then my life will be normal, it will not have a purpose, I will not have that hunger or that edge over anyone, so in that case I hope they never get it. I want to have that chip on my shoulder to always fight for what's right because they will continue to talk and put down. At least, some people will glance and see it, see that fire in my eye, some people will not look down at me as an inferior or superior person but someone who has great value. It is those who see and believe that will benefit and embrace greatness, and those who don't will eventually look up at me pleading and extending their hand in a last minute attempt in order to avoid falling. Those are at risk individuals and that were not blessed to see greatness, beauty, or truth, but there's always hope. Blessed are those who appreciate and see what is good without needing multiple proofs. The more proofs, the stronger I become, so they are only doing me a favor. Of course I have to love them. I treat them all the same, which includes those who hate and those who appreciate by giving them the same greeting and smile, but deep down I know where everyone stands.Everyday I have to prove myself to the world over and over again.
— Coach Núñez (@Eriknunez83) July 25, 2012#underdog#champion
Men’s Health Magazine provides: Your guide to finding good people:
Step 1. Identify what you value in people.
Step 2. Identify where this type of person spends time.
Step 3. Go there, whether it is a church, gym, beach, dance lessons, boot camp, fitness class, Chamber of Commerce meeting, local lectures, weekend seminars or weekly group meetings. You don’t meet good people by watching TV…but good people ARE out there. Go forth and find them.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Spain 2012
It’s uncommon to hear that someone travelled abroad. I wanted to explore a little bit, especially overseas and specifically Spain because a great part of my culture comes from Spanish influence: language, religion, customs, etc. Going to Spain is what I call a vacation. My favorite place to go visit is Los Angeles, California, where I’ve been going on vacation for the past 13 summers. It’s beautiful because my family is there, there’s lots of entertainment, and it feels like home because at one time it was. Spain had some similarities and many differences. I rank Spain #2 in my favorite places to visit. I recommend it to anybody who has never gone to Europe or another country outside of North America. People don’t make these kinds of trips because they do not have the funds or maybe perhaps they are a little scared of being in an unfamiliar territory far away from home. At least those were my main reasons. It might be different for others, maybe because of health or lack of vacation time or whatever. I’m not sure, but all I knew was that I had to go. This was going to be an early graduation present, to go visit a place that I’ve learn so much about in the past two years during graduate school. I graduate this December, si Dios quiere (God willing), and I didn’t want to wait until next summer. Why wait when the time is now. Enjoy life now! Blame the “you only live once” mentality.
It was an early Saturday morning when I left Midland International Airport to Houston to Washington D.C. It was at that point, waiting on my next flight that was going to cross the Atlantic Ocean that I kind of wanted to turn back. The same jitters that you get when you are buckled down in a rollercoaster for the first time and it slowly begins its course. There was no turning back, all the reservations were made and my flight was already paid for. After a long 9 hours of reading books, watching movies and playing games on the consol in the seat in front of me, and of course sleeping, I finally landed in Spain. It didn’t feel like another country more like another planet. Everything was different. The first night was a blessing because the best thing that could ever happen to me happened when Spain won the Euro Cup and made history. The people in Madrid went crazy, just like when the L.A. Lakers win NBA championships. It was a celebration that went on until the following morning. My introduction to the country couldn’t have been more perfect.
Fast forward a little bit. I went to Cádiz, where I spent a week interacting with people, practicing the language, exploring the city, riding bikes, learning history, swimming, visiting the beach and eating great food. It was everything I expected and more, it was a luxury. I ended up visiting Jerez, Tariff, Morocco in Africa, Seville, and Granada.
Friday, June 22, 2012
I Love My Life
This is the life that I was given
How do I deal?
We are living in a desert
It is beautiful!
The days are just right
The night skies are great
It’s nice to dream.
Free at last
I can breathe
The bad makes me appreciate the good
I once had a dream.
It is real
I pinch myself and I feel it.
I cut myself and I bleed.
These are the days
It’s hot outside?
Swim suit and sunscreen is all I need
There’s a storm coming?
Dancing in the rain is what I'll do
No obstacle is bigger than my God
They want to attack me, but they shall see
They are going to hurt themselves trying
I get paid in blessings not currency
This is too perfect
I’m living the dream
Worry free
Too good that it creates some anxiety
Is it really supposed to be this way?
I fell and scraped my knee
I was just kidding
They wanted to celebrate already
I put them to the test
They can't fool me
Testing the waters
Better yet testing the ocean
Taking a step
It’s okay to fall
A friend fell
Time to pick him up
I received a message from someone
On my way
Another adventure
Another chapter
What’s next?
The fun never ends
Up and down the rollercoaster goes
There goes another cheap shot
I guess I’ll turn and take another one
I’ll take everything
This world is full of it
It's full of crap and gold
I want it all
The good and the bad
I have chores
I take out the trash like a man
I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, I’m being misunderstood
I’m just an instrument
This is not my plan
I walk into a dark valley
I use one of my secret powers and run fast
Gun shots were fired
Were they aiming for me?
Did I cheat?
I’m not the victim or the prey
This world belongs to the brave
It takes courage to withstand the hits
Survival of the fittest
The whistle is blowing, Here we go!
Love is in the air
I’m practicing how to fly
I’m almost there
At night when all the world is sleeping
Do you think of me like I think of you?
My world can be yours too
Take these treasures before somebody tries to steal them
Take my heart
I’m saving everything to share with you
You do exist
I’ll be right back
I’m taking my talents overseas
Another villain arrived
He’s never met me before
Now he’s digging his own grave
I feel the nice breeze
I have an iced cold drink
Received some good news
Paradise is here
This is not a dream
Give me scars and pain
I have more dues to pay
Plus I want a new toy
I pay with works
I work for food
I’m no different than a homeless or a slave
Therefore I’m no different than a king or a knight
I’m capable
I did it for me
Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you
But I just met you
I'll call you maybe
Only if you hope to be more than friends.
Wow! I can touch the sky now
Don’t tell anybody
It's a secret for now
I’m saving that for later
Laughing my butt off
Life is a joke
Momma said they’ll be days like this
My phone is ringing
I have to go
Another mission
I love how this crazy world can be beautiful
Live for today!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Summer Time!

Friday, June 1, 2012
Last Day = Sad Day
Monday, May 28, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
God, Love & Basketball
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Not Afraid
Yeah, It's been a ride... I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one Now some of you might still be in that place If you're trying to get out, just follow me I'll get you there... And I just can't keep living this way So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage I'm standing up, Imma face my demons I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground I've had enough, now I'm so fed up Time to put my life back together right now It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you<3 So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through And don't even realize what you did, believe me you I been through the ringer, but they could do little to the middle finger I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers And drop dead, no more beef flingers no more drama from now on I promise to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof, like my daughters And raise it, you couldn't lift a single shingle on it! Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club Or the corner pub, and lift the whole liquor counter up Cause I'm raising the bar, I'd shoot for the moon But I'm too busy gazing at stars I feel amazing and I'm Not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just lettin' you know that, you're not alone Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road"Not Afraid" by Eminem. Although I cut some of the lyrics off, the artist captures a strong feeling from his personal experience to make this a great song. This is an intense song that pumps me up, but I prefer the clean version. Everyone can relate to it. It is not Lakers related, but I randomly had to throw in some pics to describe their current situation in Round 2. On a side note: Game 5 tomorrow...I still have hope for a Game 7;) just like I did during last year's elimination game when I went to Dallas to watch the Lakers live in Game 4. Never lose hope.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Hispanic Causing Panic
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Metta World Peace
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Current World View
Friday, April 20, 2012
Read Books!
If you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form.I read this book my freshman year in college and I could not put it down. The author was the former coach of the Chicago Bulls and at the time current coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. Of course I had to listen to what led to championships, since one of my own was in progress. I took it to heart and it was life changing for me, the rest was history. Catholic Warrior by Robert Abel
With the power and authority that God has given me to keep my spiritual sanctuary clean, I say to the demons, “This is my circle of influence. There are no trespassers allowed. I have given you a command; because you have not obeyed my orders, I judge you as disobedient, and sentence you to be destroyed in the lake of fire.” When I pray to have the demons destroyed it’s like cleaning house. It wouldn’t be right to take my trash and throw it in my neighbor’s yard. Trash needs to be properly disposed of in the landfill, or in this case the lake of fire. Once a warrior learns how to take authority over his own inner sanctuary, he is ready to use the same principles to increase his circle-of-influence. In the same way the Israelites were sent to take authority over every place the soles of their feet tread. A priest is a man who calls forth the power of God…A prophet is a man who speaks the Word of God and delivers God’s message…A king is a man who rules over his kingdom…He has called every Catholic to be priest, prophet, and king. He wants his children to push back enemy lines, utilize the power of the angelic army, strike down anything demonic, and purge all evil from his kingdom. He has called every warrior into battle! (Abel 83-90).Abel, Robert. Catholic Warrior. Denver: Valentine Publishing House, 2004. I read this book after graduating from college. A friend of mine, a brother in Christ, one whom I have deepest respect for, let me borrow this book and it put things more in perspective. I still find myself applying this principle. It’s about having authority over you own life, your circle of influence, it’s about controlling what’s around you and protecting your happiness. I’ve been doing this for years it’s not something that I started last night. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, this world is a mean and nasty place and I don’t care who you are, it will try to take everything you have and throw you to the ground and keep you there permanently if you let it. “The Lord is with me like a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble, and they will not prevail.” -Jeremiah 20:11 In a night of defeat, with authority that I've been granted, I’m claiming victory. Huge weight has lifted off my shoulders. Life is great!!!!! Isn't it? :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Lakers = amor, familia y respeto
“There are certain kinds of people that are purely driven. I can tell who they are simply by looking at them. I have faced so much criticism for my drive that at times it has alienated me from the majority: the people who are comfortable with second place, the people who hate against me because I am not. You know these kinds of people; they are the ones who fear winning, the jealous ones who envy...” -KB24
I remember I always wanted a tattoo growing up. I think I was influenced by my older brothers who were crazy about them. Every adult who grew up in Los Angeles had a tattoo, so I thought it was the thing to do. Tbch (Facebook game), I always wanted to get a spalding basketball tattoo on my arm with fire and my initials to symbolize my passion for the game, but I never did. My twin brother told me in 2008, "If the Lakers win the championship let's get the Larry O'Brien NBA Trophy tattoo together." I once again refused for my own reasons. Nevertheless, he ended up following through and getting a tattoo the next year when the Lakers finally won the championship, their first of two in a row. This blog was not meant to talk about tattoos, but to hopefully show how personal the Lakers are to me and my family by using the examples of other fans and what this team means to them.
See, I’m not the only crazy one!
“There are certain kinds of people that are purely loyal. I can tell who they are simply by looking at them. I have faced so much criticism for my loyalty that at times it has alienated me from the majority here in town: the people who are comfortable with bandwagons, the people who hate against me because I am not. You know these kinds of people; they are the ones who fear losing, the jealous ones who envy championships...” -KB24 (modified)
I’m not a Cowboys fan or necessarily a football fan, but I hope that the Cowboys will soon reach the top of the NFL once again so my fellow Texan comrades, who can probably relate, can experience the joy and glory that loyalty has to offer. Lesson of the day, lesson that I try to literally teach every day of my life: Respect the game! Respect the game, sport, team and even player please, and we won’t have any problems :)
Oh! [in a whispering voice] there’s plenty of room in the Lakers bandwagon, hurry before it gets full in June.